ReCreate: 1. To give new life or freshness to… 2. To create anew and make over 3. To create again; to form anew in the imagination… 4. To impart fresh life to… 5. To occupy oneself in a diversion…

6. To refresh mentally or physically… 7. To refresh through recreation… 8. To amuse (oneself or someone else) 9. To be at play…

10. Engage in recreational activities rather than work…
I want to win. Just like a lot of you, I am currently working my tail off in a career that takes care of my family reasonably well. Certainly no complaints. The problem is, years ago, while drinking beer with a buddy we were discussing the fact that I was moving away from Texas to pursue other things. Texas was where we met while chasing our careers. The opportunities were apparent and we both had our successes. My problem was my past. I had the gift of a fabulous outdoorsy childhood in Washington State that I couldn’t seem to stop comparing to a very different life that I was living in Texas. My childhood was full of fishing poles, dirt bikes, mountain climbing, camping, tall trees, snow, running on the beach, and enjoying the not so hot/humid weather (Texas.) We had a descent buzz going when he was asking the reasons for moving away. After listing a few I declared “I have come to recreate!!!” The trouble was it was all about the career with no relief. No escape. So I snatched an opportunity, accepted a transfer to Colorado, and have been here ever since. Genius!! So what’s the point of the blog Recreator you might ask? I have a lot of hobbies, and I’ve hit an age that I have got to pursue my retirement. As of recently I’ve taken a great interest in the possibility of early retirement. The motivation for that comes from various blogs that I’ve recently started following. The first and biggest influence comes from Mr Money Mustache. Feel free to Google his website
www.mrmoneymustache.com. He has a few years worth of tidbits and advice that will open your mind to just about every angle of a better way to look at life. Bravo MMM! I have come to the realization that my days off should be spent pursuing hobbies, practicing retirement, and finding ways to save and invest. All with the goal of retiring by 50 years old. This is what I text my wife this morning over coffee Figured out my blog..”I have come to recreate” will be about practicing retirement on every day I have off so that when the actual retirement happens at 50 years old I’ll know exactly what to do. It will cover cutting costs, DIY projects, how we spend our days, chasing hobbies, being satisfied with less, and creating our own story by not following everyone else’s. 65 years old means celebrating an already 15 years of free bliss with much more to follow. I have 1,880 working days at my current primary profession left. You have 1,058 🙂 Let the countdown begin.” I realize 42 seems a little late for some to really start buckling down for the future, but I’ve gotta start somewhere. Besides, retiring at 50 still sounds like awesomeness.. You should know that my wife and I have 6 children between us (3/3.) Only 2 at home year-round (5 during summers.) We married just over a year and a half ago and we both are managers for the same company. I promised her that she could retire at 50 if we stuck to the plan then I would follow 3 years later. We both came from relationships that struggled financially and have vowed with each other to take a better course. I’ve created this blog to hopefully discuss all things listed above plus anything else that leads to a more kick-ass life. I look forward to hearing back from anyone interested Cheers!
Howdy! While I’ve never lived in Texas, I did live in Kansas for some years. When I was there, I much preferred Colorado as well!
Glad you’ve taken the blogging plunge! It’s a lot of fun to write, connect, and help out folks. Plus it’s pretty great for keeping motivated. The phrase “Oh man, I’d have to put that on the blog” has been uttered a time or two around our house 🙂
Way late, as I haven’t been looking at the blog or writing until today. It’s been on my to do list and will continue. I’ve been following you for a long time now and enjoy all of your woots and grumbles. I’ll keep plugging away to make some of my own. Thanks for looking 🙂